I spent more money on gifts this year than ever before, and I’m not sure how it happened. If there is one thing I love most about the holidays, it’s putting thought into homemade or personalized gifts. Granted, I might be that relative you get frustrated with for giving you yet another handmade present instead of that Target gift card you wanted. But I speak for the homemade gift-givers when I say that so much love and time went into that present, so treasure it.
Anyway, let’s get back to the cold, hard Christmas facts. Did you know that American farmers harvest 17 million Christmas trees each year? I can’t even wrap my brain around that fact. No wonder I have such bad allergies in the winter. As for holiday entertainment, it’s no surprise that How the Grinch Stole Christmas is everyone’s all-time favorite movie. What I never expected was that Kenny G’s holiday album would top the list. What are your favorites? Do they appear on this infographic? If your favorite movie isn’t here, check out this list of holiday movies, and snuggle with someone special to watch a few before the season is over.