Improve Your Physical Attraction Through Meditation

What is attraction – and how can meditation make you more attractive? That’s probably a question you hadn't asked, but keep an open mind and you’ll see that with a daily meditation practice you can become more attractive and attract the right partner.

First, a few rules:

Meditation is not a magic seduction pill or anything of the sort. What it does give you is the foundation for personal magnetism that will make you physically and psychologically attractive.
Meditation will work wonders IF you commit to a consistent practice. Luckily, that’s easy, with Omharmonics! All you have to do is choose one of the soundtracks, get comfortable and let the soundtrack take you into a meditative state.

Some great ways to use meditation to make yourself a magnet for love:

Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is “present-awareness.” How can this help? When you’re engaged in conversation with a prospective partner, you’re probably eager to share everything about yourself. And that’s great – except it makes it nearly impossible to be a good listener when you’re always ready to chime in with “yeah, I did that too, and…” Everybody loves to talk about themselves and everybody loves to be heard so to make yourself attractive, be a great listener. The art of listening is something you develop by building your self-mastery. That is where meditation comes in. Sitting in silence and stillness for 30 minutes, even when you don’t feel like it… focusing on one thing at a time… shutting out distractions… will teach you to slow down and not jump up every time you feel like it. Slowing down is so good for you. Imagine what a great conversationalist you will become when you can relax and listen deeply! Your prospective partner will feel appreciated, valued and respected – and you will become more attractive as a result!

Self-love is the key to physical attraction.

Practice visualization. When you meditate, use the time to create mental images and feelings of your ideal romantic situation. Imagine yourself doing something you enjoy with your ideal romantic partner. Use feelings and your senses to give the image realism. It’s super important to put yourself in the picture too. ‘Feel’ your hand touching your beloved; ‘hear’ yourself saying, “I love you” to him or her; ‘smell’ their scent; ‘taste’ a romantic dinner; and ‘see’ the love in his/her eyes. Visualization is not just idle daydreaming. It’s a very important command that you give your brain! You will attract whatever you focus on. Whatever thoughts you give your attention to is a signal to the brain that “this is important”. This is simply because your brain’s job is to match the external situation to the internal visualization – or, match the outer reality to the inner reality. You’ll find yourself being guided toward certain situations, for example friends might invite you to social events, you might be offered a job, or you might have the urge to join a certain club or meetup group. Whatever inspirations, intuitive guidance, you have, follow them. Synchronicity and coincidence are not chance!

Self Love is the Key

I’ve saved the best for last… Attract a mate through self-love. What’s more attractive than someone who loves themselves? Not in an arrogant, self-absorbed way – but being comfortable in their own skin, happy with who they are while always striving to learn, improve and make the best of life.
How meditation can help: during meditation, use self-talk to express love and appreciation for yourself. “I love myself” is the most powerful statement you can make. Even if you don’t believe it yet, try this exercise for 30-60 days straight: Tell yourself, “I love myself.” You MUST love yourself if you’re going to be attractive!

Do this as many times a day as you can. Say it in a positive, “good job” way when you achieve something; in a compassionate and nurturing way when you make a mistake or when you’re feeling upset; as your best friend and lover would say it to you; first thing in the morning as you look at yourself in the mirror and last thing as you go to bed; and during meditation, say, “I love myself” when your mind is more open to suggestion. This simple statement will imprint in your subconscious as a belief. It will make you feel better and better about yourself. Your self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence will improve. Then, you will find yourself making choices that are more aligned with this belief. You’ll start taking better care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In essence you’ll make yourself into someone who is overall irresistible!

Radiate physical attraction from inside you.The truth is, you can’t manufacture physical attraction so no matter what you do, if “it” isn't there in all likelihood it will never be there. You can’t make someone be attracted to you physically. However, you can become more attractive to more people by practising self-love. Through your thoughts, speech and behaviours, show the world that you appreciate, value, enjoy, care for, respect and deeply love yourself. Then your chances of finding “the one” will increase.

Finally, become aware of the role of perception – or, how you see things. How attractive you find a potential mate is largely dependent on context. For example, if you love mountain biking, you might find someone more attractive if they’re hanging out at the trail-head getting ready to ride, rather than if you saw them dressed in their business clothes. Attraction does depend a lot on who we’re with, who the prospective partner is with, and where we are. During meditation, practice visualizing someone you know and like but don’t necessarily find extremely attractive. Visualize them doing the kinds of things you like to do – put them in context of what you enjoy. You may find that your attraction to this person grows.

Meditation helps you increase your feelings of self-love, self-worth and confidence. Confidence is sexy! Through this simple daily practice, you can shift your perceptions of yourself and create new empowering beliefs that will make you more attractive.


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