Washing away the sins of seven births: Lalgudi Shri Saptha Rishishwar Temple

Lalgudi is a village at a distance of 24km from Trichy City, and it is the host of a huge temple for Lord Saptha Rishishwar. He is said to be the Lord who bestows wisdom and good fortune.

Hindu mythology states that in ancient times there were seven sages who were believed to be the first seven of all, and it is based on them that ancestry was formulated. They are addressed as Saptha Rishis (Saptha means seven, and rishi means sage). Myths also say that these seven sages performed sincere meditation towards Lord Shiva at this temple. Therefore this temple is ideal for devotees of any ancestry, and even to those who do not know their ancestry. New moon and full moon days are of importance, and offering clothes is said to purify the devotees of the sins they have committed in all seven births (it is the Hindu belief that the soul goes through seven births) and also receive the blessings of their ancestors.


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